Hormone therapy Charlottesville, VA

Introduction to Hormone Therapy

Hormone therapy involves using medications containing hormones to supplement low hormone levels in the body. It can provide relief from unpleasant symptoms caused by hormone imbalances related to aging, menopause, and other medical conditions. Hormone therapy can improve quality of life when tailored appropriately under medical supervision.

At Balance Hormone Clinic in Charlottesville, our physicians have extensive training and expertise in customized bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT). BHRT uses hormones identical on a molecular level to those naturally produced in the body to restore optimal hormonal balance.

We also offer guidance on comprehensive lifestyle approaches supporting hormone health. Our goal is to help patients looking for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in Charlottesville regain wellness, vitality and enjoyment of life.

Diagnosing Hormone Imbalances

The first step in hormone therapy is testing to identify deficiencies or excesses of key hormones. Common hormones evaluated include estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, thyroid hormone (T3 and T4), cortisol and DHEA.

Based on symptoms and initial test results, our clinic may recommend additional specialized tests to obtain a more complete hormone profile for the patient. These lab tests provide crucial data to inform custom treatment plans.

Some signs and symptoms suggesting potential hormone imbalances include:

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Importance of Testing

Both men and women can experience hormone declines at different life stages, even in their 20s and 30s for some. Getting testing done promptly when symptoms arise is key, rather than chalking them up to “normal aging.”

Identifying hormone deficiencies early on can reduce risk of developing future medical conditions like osteoporosis or heart disease often associated with long-term hormone loss. Our physicians develop tailored treatment protocols to get patients’ blood levels balanced through continual monitoring and dosage adjustments.

Take control of your hormone health today!

Hormone Therapy Treatment Goals

The overarching goals of bioidentical hormone therapy are to:

Our custom BHRT programs couple the precise delivery of hormones via gels, pellets or injections with evidence-based nutrition, fitness and stress reduction techniques for optimal, lasting results.

Key Hormones and Their Functions

There are over 50 different hormones with critical roles regulating systems and physiological processes throughout the body. Here, we outline functions of some most commonly supplemented hormones:


Essential for female reproductive health, estrogen rises and falls throughout the menstrual cycle to stimulate follicle growth, facilitate ovulation and prepare the uterus for implantation. Changes in estrogen signaling also direct overall development during puberty.

Beyond reproductive effects, estrogen helps govern widespread activities in both females and males, including:

Declining estrogen later in perimenopause and menopause causes hot flashes, urogenital atrophy, mood changes and disadvantages bone strength over time.


Progesterone works synergistically with estrogen to orchestrate the menstrual cycle. After ovulation, progesterone prepares uterine lining to support early pregnancy until the placenta can synthesize its own source during gestation.

Progesterone also promotes regular ovulation and plays major regulatory roles in the body such as:

When estrogen levels drop around perimenopause, progesterone production typically declines as well. An imbalance of more circulating estrogen over progesterone increases breast cancer and uterine cancer risks. Restoring optimal progesterone balance protects reproductive tissues and fosters overall wellness.


Testosterone, the predominant male sex hormone or androgen, spikes during puberty to enable:

While present at lower levels in women, testosterone facilitates:

Testosterone begins tapering off for both men and women by age 30 at ~1-3% per year. Low testosterone often manifests as low libido, erectile dysfunction, infertility, loss of strength, fatigue and depression.

Balancing testosterone is essential for maintaining physical vitality and healthy brain aging in both sexes.

Thyroid Hormone

Secreted by the thyroid gland, thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) influence every cell and tissue by:

Even mild thyroid deficiency slows metabolism causing fatigue, fluid retention, constipation, dry skin and unexplained weight gain. Optimizing thyroid function ignites fat burning potential and boosts energy.


DHEA stands for dehydroepiandrosterone, a prohormone produced mainly by the adrenal glands also converting to estrogen and testosterone as needed. DHEA:

Oral or topical DHEA therapy may help reverse declining levels, associated with autoimmunity, metabolic syndrome, osteoporosis, mood disorders and compromised immunity.

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) Protocols

The precise hormone regimen our clinic prescribes depends on the patient’s customized lab testing results, health history, lifestyle and treatment goals. We carefully monitor progress to make dosing adjustments accordingly.

For women, common hormone therapy components include:

While for men, foundational therapies incorporate:

Delivery methods our physicians may recommend include:

Pellet therapy involves implanting tiny hormone-containing pellets under the skin lasting 3-6 months per dose. This yields stable long-acting delivery enabling consistent symptom relief.

We also provide detailed nutrition, fitness and lifestyle modification guidance as optimal complements to BHRT facilitating and sustaining benefits.

Take control of your hormone health today!

Benefits of Timely Treatment at Balance Hormone Clinic

Seeking timely evaluation and individualized treatment for hormone imbalance concerns is vital for protecting long-range health, especially given hormonal changes that naturally occur with aging.

Advantages of being proactive about hormone testing and therapy administration when appropriate from our Charlottesville clinic include:

Regaining Comfort and Vibrancy

Balancing key hormones alleviates unpleasant mental and physical symptoms distracting from fully engaging in daily life and activities you enjoy most. Patients report welcomed differences within weeks such as:

Strengthening Future Health

Studies confirm certain hormone deficiencies left unchecked accelerate development of age-related diseases down the road. Optimizing hormones earlier on promotes:

Therefore, rebalancing key hormones serves as an investment toward continued independence, functionality and longevity.

Customizing Your Care

No two patients or sets of hormone test results are exactly alike at our clinic. We specialize in precision testing and personalized therapies catered to your unique needs. This fosters best possible clinical outcomes.

Our expertise includes addressing complex cases of hormone dysfunction as well as fine-tuning replacement protocols to help active, healthy adults hoping to amplify or sustain their efficacy.

Ongoing Patient Education

We emphasize teaching patients about how specific hormone therapies exert their effects in the body to encourage engagement in care decisions. This empowers patients to make smart lifestyle choices potentiating treatment benefits.

Check-in visits also provide opportunities to have all questions answered. We explain therapy adjustments and next steps in accessible language.

Bottom Line: We understand seeking help navigating changing hormone physiology concerns can feel vulnerable or overwhelming initially. Our compassionate, highly-trained practitioners simplify this process for you.

Lifestyle Strategies Supporting Hormone Therapy Goals

While BHRT provides the targeted biochemical restoration component, optimizing nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress modulation bolsters therapeutic responses.

Our clinicians offer guidance aligning lifestyle factors with hormone therapy for enhancing patient outcomes like:


Hormones require proper nutrients for their synthesis and signaling cascades. We advise dietary approaches helping to:

Eating plans are tailored to the patient's metabolism, underlying conditions and hormone treatment objectives.


Routine activity keeps hormones functioning smoothly by:

Our team generates realistic movement strategies defects preventing patients from sticking with them long-term.

Stress Modulation:

High cortisol and catecholamine surges from chronic overload negatively impacts hormone pathways causing vicious feedback cycles. We teach patients scientifically-validated tools for counterbalancing stresses like:

This equips patients with skills for activating the relaxation response, enabling hormone therapies to produce maximal results.

Quality Sleep

Estrogen, progesterone, testosterone and growth hormones follow circadian rhythms, pulsing while asleep mostly during later REM cycles. Poor sleep disrupts amplitude and timing of these secretions plus impairs tissue sensitivity. Our doctors help patients improve sleep hygiene habits to harness hormones’ innate regenerative powers.


We strive to make hormone balance evaluation and correction feel safe, supportive and simple for patients at our Balance Hormone Clinic. Investing in evidence-based hormone restoration therapies aligns with sustainable healthy aging strategies. Call us in Charlottesville to schedule an appointment to start mapping your custom treatment plan today.

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